Inspired by HBO TV series Game of Thrones created by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and the series of epic fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire by author George R.R. Martin, the director-animator Aristarchos Papadaniel created a short animated film, which acts as an "animated choreography of departures" based on the series’ song The Rains of Castamere composed by Ramin Djawadi.
The film has been made with the technique of rotoscope animation.
Emblematic scenes of the series have been chosen, allowing for a new cinematic approach combined with the specific song. In particular, in the second part of the song, with a small change in two verses· the interest refocuses from the proud Lord of Castamere -which reference to his face works symbolically- to the young Lord Tyrion and the fatal relationship with his tyrant father, Tywin.
Film creator Aristarchos Papadaniel launches the new Be there! Corfu Animation Festival programme, “Τhe Animator Sings” and sings a cappella his own awarded film.
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Deadfile: The City Under the Void
Deadfile is a music band formed in Corfu (2012), whose influences stem from post-rock, trip-hop, psychedelic rock and music scores
Two albums of theirs appeared during 2012, “Deadfile” and “Applied Oneironautics”, while “The City Under the Void” was released in 2014.
They appeared in Athens (Michalis Cacoyannis foundation) in 2014, as part of the festival “Radio Days”, organized by Last Drive and Makis Milatos. An acoustic set, first broadcast in the Roman Catholic Church of St. Francis of Assisi (Corfu) has been subsequently recorded.
They plan to release their next album in winter 2015, the first with the full scheme on board.
Two albums of theirs appeared during 2012, “Deadfile” and “Applied Oneironautics”, while “The City Under the Void” was released in 2014.
They appeared in Athens (Michalis Cacoyannis foundation) in 2014, as part of the festival “Radio Days”, organized by Last Drive and Makis Milatos. An acoustic set, first broadcast in the Roman Catholic Church of St. Francis of Assisi (Corfu) has been subsequently recorded.
They plan to release their next album in winter 2015, the first with the full scheme on board.