Contemporary music animation videos from O!PLA festival.
The animated music video is from a few years one of the fastest growing and most amazing areas of the Polish animation; an area in which next to already established artists with a very distinct style (Tomek Ducki, Monika Kuczyniecka, Łukasz Rusinek, Zuzanna Szyszak), again and again appear a new artists and surprising by ingenuity and craftsmanship of their work (Bogna Kowalczyk, Marcin Ożóg, Anna Pytlik, Mai Tran). The animated music video is also an area where the classical techniques (Karolina Głusiec, Kamila & Mirek Sosnowscy) meets with a truly pioneering experiments (Kijek / Adamski).
O!PLA is the fully independent cultural project, whom 3. edition was held in 51. Polish cities (21.03 – 31.05.2015). At O!PLA only audience - from every participated cities - decide about the winners! O!PLA ACROSS THE BORDERS is a "cross-section program" guiding by the whole contemporary Polish animation for audience in age 16+. O!PLA ACROSS THE BORDERS include: films with big budget/made in professional studios; fully independent animations; films made in school (graduation films); animated music videos; "animated epigrams" (very short movies) and "FORMANIMA" (experimental and abstract animations). From the very beginning, the main aim of O!PLA is (re)build relations between audience and artists, and reaching out with the art of animation especially to smaller centers in the Poland and all around the world. Previous edition of O!PLA ACROSS THE BORDERS was presented in 34 cities at 5 continents. The initiator and main organizer of O!PLA is Animation Across Borders (Piotr Kardas, Director/Artistic Director).
BEST FRIEND, Kijek/Adamski (2014, 2' 20")
Band: We Cut Corners
BYŁAŚ SERCA BICIEM, Urszula Morga & Bartosz Mikołajczyk (ESY-FLORESY Pracownia Animacji) (2014, 3' 10")
Band: Cała Góra Barwinków
CUKIERKI, Mai Tran (2014, 3' 26")
DRYF, Marcin Ożóg (2014, 4' 19")
Band: Zespół Kariera
ETUDEPEN, Tessa Moult-Milewska (2015, 4' 06")
Band: Black Finit
I WANT U, Dawid Krępski (2014, 5')
ILE JESZCZE W TOBIE JEST SIŁ?, Bogna Warszawa (2015, 5' 07")
Band: Junior Stress
IUS PRIMAE NOCTIS – PRAWO PIERWSZEJ NOCY, Łukasz Rusinek (2012, 4' 15")
Band: R.U.T.A.
KATACHI, Kijek/Adamski (2013, 3' 05")
Band: Shugo Tokumaru
KOŁYSANKA KONOPNA, Sylwia Kubus (2013, 2' 12")
Band: Kapela Ze Wsi Warszawa
NIE MA TO JAK W KINIE, Urszula Palusińska (2011, 4' 26")
Band: David Kingfire
PARADISE AWAITS, Tomek Ducki (2014, 3' 26")
Band: ZHU
PIBLOKTOQ, Ania Pytlik (2014, 4' 21")
Band: Maria Peszek
POŻEGNANIE MAŁEGO WOJOWNIKA, Zuzanna Szyszak (2011, 4' 21")
Band: Czesław Śpiewa
RZEŹBA DNIA, Monika Kuczyniecka (2015, 3' 31")
Band: Renata Przemyk
SIEDEM, Kamila & Mirek Sosnowscy (2015, 6' 23")
Band: Same Suki
SPOOK, Karolina Głusiec (2015, 4' 30")
Band: JAAA!
SWITCH, Wojciech Hoffmann (2014, 3' 11")
Band: Skalpel
THE TRICK, Kamil Wójcik (2013, 3' 13")
Band: Acid Drinkers
UNTIL THERE IS NO END, Bartosz Wojda (2013, 2' 54")
Band: LORN
WOOLF IS JUST A DRUNK, Agata Włodarczyk (2014, 4' 03")
Band: Neal Cassady & The Fabulous Ensemble
ORAWUS, Wojciech M. Sławuski (2013, 9' 15")
Band: Wojciech Kilar