Έχε το νου σου, Carolina Specht (POLAND 2015, 4')
Μία οπτική ιστορία σχετικά με το πόσο εύκολα χάνει κάποιος τον νου του. Ένα λευκό κεφάλι κυλάει αργά προς το κέντρο μιας μαύρης οθόνης. Ένα γεγονός πυροδοτεί μια σειρά άλλων γεγονότων. Το οπτικό μέρος της ταινίας εξελίσσεται παράλληλα με την αφήγηση, ξεκινώντας από απλές συνθέσεις μέσω διαδοχικού αριθμού δομών και από πυκνότητα μορφών και καταλήγοντας σε σκηνές γεμάτες χρώματα, σαν σε καλειδοσκόπιο. Η αφθονία σκέψεων, σχέσεων και συνδέσεων οδηγεί σε τραγικό τέλος.
Director: Karolina Specht
Producer: Marcin Malatynski
Storyboard: Karolina Specht
Animation: Karolina Specht
Editing: Karolina Specht
Karolina Specht – Born in 1991 in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Graduate of Secondary School of Fine Arts in Bydgoszcz. Currently an animation and special effects student at The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Lodz. She is an animator and a graphic designer.
Ο Μίτος της Αριάδνης, Claude Luyet (SWITZERLAND 2015, 13')
Η Αριάδνη παίζει με μια μπάλα. Η μητέρα της τη φωνάζει και τη διακόπτει. Χάνει την μπάλα μαζί με την παιδική της ηλικία. Ο 20ος αιώνας και η ζωή της Αριάδνης εκτυλίσσονται στο μπαλκόνι της. Καθώς η Αριάδνη πλησιάζει στο τέλος της ζωής της, ξανακερδίζει τη χαμένη παιδική της ηλικία.
Director: Claude Luyet
Producer: Claude Luyet
Storyboard: Claude Luyet
Animation: Sebastien Godard
Music: Christophe Heral
Editing: Claude Luyet, Jonathan Lascar
Claude Luyet • Born in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 9th 1948
Biography : Claude Luyet studied graphic design in the 1960's and then founded Studio GDS in 1970, with Georges Schwizgebel et Daniel Suter, in order to produce commissioned films and personal short films.
Filmography: Patchwork (1970, 18'), Ricochet (1973, 5'30), Marché noir (1977, 2'40), Questions d'optiques (1986, 8'), Academy Leader Variation (1987, 6'30), Le Carré de lumière (1992, 5'), Robert Creep, une vie de chien (1994, 26'), Cyclades (1996, 25'), Rush (2004, 3'), Animatou (2007, 5'36).
Ο άνθρωπος που έπεσε πάνω, Ebele Okoye (GERMANY 2016, 2')
Ένας άνδρας γλιστράει ενώ κατεβαίνει τα σκαλιά και πέφτει με λάθος τρόπο, αλλά στην πραγματικότητα με τον σωστό. "Ο άνθρωπος που έπεσε πάνω" εξερευνά το παράλογο σαν μια αφηρημένη μορφή λογικής έκφρασης. Από το ομώνυμο ποίημα της Ebele Okoye.
Ebele Okoye, has been working as an independent animator since 2006.
She studied Graphic design/Illustration, did a PG in African Studies, before furthering in Animation at the International Film School Cologne.
She is a two time Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) winner with numerous other animation awards, from the Robert Bosch Foundation, The Zebra poetry film festival Berlin, the Animae Caribe Animation and New media festival and AFRIFF, amongst others
Twice, her art has also earned her certificates of special recognition, by the California state legislature for outstanding service to the community through animation.
She is also active as a painter, media designer and branding expert,
Some of her works can be seen at http://www.ebeleokoye.com
Κοριός, Francesca Marinelli & Dario Trovato (ITALY 2016, 5')
Ένα απόγευμα σαν όλα τα άλλα, τρεις φίλοι κάθονται γύρω από ένα τραπέζι και συζητούν για ένα από τα καθολικότερα ζητήματα που απασχόλησαν ποτέ το ανθρώπινο είδος: την ευτυχία. Διχασμένοι από τις διαφορετικές τους απόψεις, αναπόφευκτα, έρχονται αντιμέτωποι με τα όριά τους αποκαλύπτοντας μία βαθιά υπαρξιακή αστάθεια.
Director: Francesca Marinelli and Dario Trovato
Producer: Francesca Marinelli and Dario Trovato
Storyboard: Francesca Marinelli and Dario Trovato
Artistic direction-animation: Francesca Marinelli
Music- editing-sound: Dario Trovato
FRANCESCA MARINELLI was born on Ocotober 3rd 1985 in Latina and now lives in Angoulême. After studying at Turin's National School of Animation, she worked for two years as character designer and animator for a Florence-based animation studio. Francesca is currently working as a freelancer in the fields of short films, animated TV series and commercials. She has always had a strong passion for drawing, color and stories. Her works were featured in several contests, showcasing her transversal interest in illustration, comics and animation.
"In viaggio" (2011)
"Mamma mia" (2013)
DARIO TROVATO was born on the 15th of February 1979 in Cagliari, Sardegna. He currently lives and works in Florence. After graduating in communication at the University of Trieste and earning a master's degree in Multimedia Content Design at the University of Florence, Dario starts working at the prestigious Misseri animation studio, perfecting his skills in the audiovisual post-production of stop-motion animated series. Ensuing this experience, Dario dedicates the following seven years to building his freelance video-making career. He now mainly devotes his time and work to Balzo, a Florence-based company specialized in video-game and mobile app development. Since 2006 he has been constantly creating films and self-produced animations.
Στο Στόχαστρο, Marziyeh Kheirkhah (IRAN 2016, 5' 17")
Πρόκειται για την ιστορία ενός στρατιώτη που βρίσκει μια φωλιά με αβγά σε ένα τανκ. Παρά την εσωτερική του επιθυμία, αναγκάζεται να μπει στον πόλεμο και να ανατινάξει ένα χωριό υπακούοντας στις διαταγές του διοικητή του. Μετά την έκρηξη, συνειδητοποιούμε ότι ο στρατιώτης έχει βγάλει τη φωλιά από το τανκ πριν επιβιβαστεί. Ο νεοσσός αρχίζει να σπάει το αβγό. Υποφέροντας από τον πόλεμο, ο στρατιώτης γεμίζει χαρά με το που βλέπει τον νεοσσό. Γεμάτος ελπίδα βγαίνει χαρούμενος από το τανκ μέχρι που συνειδητοποιεί ότι ένα άλλο τανκ τον σημαδεύει.
Director: Marziyeh Kheirkhah
Producer: Hamid Reza Javi
Storyboard: Morteza Shad
Animation: Marziyeh Kheirkhah
Music: Omid Raiesdana
Editing: Mohsen Kheirabadi
Born 09/07/1984 in Iran. She is MA of Animation. She made her first animation "In the crosshais" as a graduate project. 2016- In the crosshairs
Θέση, Mashaallah Mohammadi (IRAN 2016, 5' 03")
Ένας άνδρας και ένα δέντρο παίζουν μαζί μουσική, όταν ξαφνικά εμφανίζεται ένα γράμμα που τα αλλάζει όλα...
Director: Mashaallah Mohammadi
Producer: Hawze honari kordestan
Storyboard- artistic direction-animation-graphics: Mashaallah Mohammadi
Music: Rabeh Eftekhari
Editing: Mostafa Habibi
Ο Αγριόχοιρος, Bella Szederkényi (GERMANY / FRANCE / HUNGARY 2016, 13' 32")
Ένα άστεγο ορφανό, ένα ανθρωποειδές ζωάκι το σκάει από τη μεγαλούπολη για το σκοτεινό δάσος. Εκεί θα συναντήσει το πιο δυνατό πλάσμα που φαντάστηκε ποτέ.
Director: Bella Szederkényi
Producers: Lissi Muschol, Thomas Schmidt, Christian Popp
Storyboard: Bella Szederkényi
Music: Fabrizio Tentoni
Editing: David Hartmann
Bella Szederkényi is a Hungarian animation director, designer and teacher.
She completed her MA degree as an animation artist at the Hungarian MOME University with the animated short film ORSOLYA. The film has won several prizes, and was selected for the competition programmes of many prestigious international animation festivals. She also took part in various different workshops (ASF, [email protected]), and spent one semester at the ASFA University in Athens.
Since 2010 she has been lecturing at the animation department of MOME, and has completed 3 years research into 'online content development' for her DLA degree.
In 2015 she founded the Cub Animation Studio with her colleague Bálint Farkas Gelley.
Λήθη, Kat Michaelides (UNITED KINGDOM 2016, 8' 40")
Δύο παιδικές φίλες, η Ντάμια και η Έρις, ανακαλύπτουν μια μυστηριώδη λίμνη σε ένα κοντινό δάσος την τελευταία τους μέρα μαζί.
Director: Kat Michaelidis
Producer: Jake Riley Hunte
Storyboard-animation: Kat Michaelidis
Music: Jessica Jones
Editing: Meredith Mantik
Writers: Cristina Barletta and Kat Michaelides
Sound Design: Eleanor Nicholls
Kat Michaelides is a 2d Animation Director, who graduated from the National Film & Television School in 2016. Before this she interned as an assistant animation director on one section of the feature film, 'A Liar's Autobiography' and worked on various music videos, including a Deadmau5 and Imogen Heap's official video, after graduating in digital animation from Falmouth University.
She is is an animation and illustration obsessive, enjoys mixing techniques and bringing out the surreal.
Καζίνο, Steven Woloshen (CANADA 2016, 3' 55")
Μια ταινία για τον πατέρα μου που ρίσκαρε για την αγάπη.
Director: Steven Woloshen
Producer: Steven Woloshen
Storyboard - animation: Steven Woloshen
Music: Oscar Peterson
Editing: Steven Woloshen
Steven Woloshen was born in Laval, Canada in 1960. He holds a master's degree in Fine Arts from Concordia University. For more than 30 years, he has passionately created over 50 award-winning, abstract films and time-based installations for festivals, galleries and museums. Twice nominated for Canada's Governor General's award, he has received numerous research and creation grants and, most recently, was awarded the 2015 Wiesbaden Lifetime Achievement Award. Woloshen is a teacher, film conservationist, animator, craftsman and the author of two books, Recipes for Reconstruction: The Cookbook for the Frugal Filmmaker (2010), a hands-on manual for decay, renewal and other handmade, analogue film techniques, and Scratch, Crackle & Pop! A Whole Grains Approach to Making Films without a Camera (2015). Under his own banner, Scratchatopia, Woloshen has hosted solo retrospectives and taught handmade filmmaking techniques at workshops and master classes in Argentina, Morocco, USA, Slovenia, Australia, France, Great Britain, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Poland, Mexico as well as across Canada.
Σουπέρμπια, Luca Tóth (HUNGARY / CZECH REPUBLIC / SLOVAKIA 2015, 15 '43")
Οι ντόπιοι της σουρεαλιστικής χώρας Σουπέρμπια, όπου άνδρες και γυναίκες σχηματίζουν κοινωνίες χωριστά, αντιμετωπίζουν τις αλλαγές που πυροδότησε το πρώτο ισοδύναμο ζευγάρι στην ιστορία τους.
Director: Luca Tóth
Producers: Péter Benjámin Lukács, Martin Vandas, Juraj Krasnohorsky, Gábor Osváth
Storyboard-animation-editing: Luca Tóth
Music: Csaba Kalotás
Sound: Péter Benjámin Lukács
Born in 1989 in Hungary, Luca Tóth studied animation at the Moholy Nagy School of Design (MOME) in Budapest and at the Royal College of Art in London. She received a number of awards for he graduation short film The Age of Curious, such as the jury distinction at the Annecy IAFF or a special mention at the ITF in Stuttgart. Her new film 'Superbia' debuted at the Cannes Semaine de la Critique, as the only animation in competition.