Τετάρτη 29/3, 22:30-00 (Δημοτικό Θέατρο Κέρκυρας, Κεντρική Αίθουσα)
2D computer animation, Ντεκουπαρισμένα Υλικά
Μια γυναίκα γίνεται οικιακή βοηθός της χαρτονένιας οικογένειας ενός εργένη.
Director: Tatu Pohjavirta & Mark Ståhle
Producer: Tatu Pohjavirta & Tomi Riionheimo
Storyboard: Tatu Pohjavirta
Artistic Direction: Mark Ståhle
Animation: Tatu Pohjavirta & Mark Ståhle
Music: Petri Mattila
Editing: Tatu Pohjavirta
Graphics: Mark Ståhle
Mark Ståhle was born in 1971. He studied animation at Turku Arts Academy. Since then he has worked as animator, illustrator and teacher of animation and arts.
Tatu Pohjavirta has born in 1977 in Helsinki, Finland. He studied animation at Turku Arts Academy. After graduation 2001 he has worked as editor, animator, director and teacher of animation.
Σχεδίαση σε γυαλί
Η ιστορία ενός μικρού Μινώταυρου που προσπαθεί να βρει κάποιον να παίξει μαζί του στον ατέλειωτο λαβύρινθο ενώ ο Πατέρας του είναι στη δουλειά. Καταφέρνει μόνο να συναντήσει μυθικούς χαρακτήρες απασχολημένους με τις δικές τους φιλοδοξίες.
Director: Karlis Vitols
Producer: Līga Gaisa
Storyboard: Karlis Vitols
Artistic Direction-animation-graphics-editing: Karlis Vitols
Music: Jekabs Nimanis
Sound: Ernests Ansons
Karlis Vitols b.1979 Graduated Latvian Art Academy as Painter. Self taught animator. Made first 16mm animation movie in 1998. since then made about 10films, He was the first Latvian who made Computer stop-motion animation film The Trophy and long time was working digital. Now in recent worksI am moving back to "Hand Made Animation". Film Eclipse was included in Annecy 2010 official selection. Recent work Minotaur won Latvian National Cinema Prize "Lielais Kristaps" as best animation film 2016.
2D computer animation
Σε ένα συζυγικό κρεβάτι ο σουρεαλιστικός αισθησιασμός που περιβάλλει τον Οθέλλο και τη Δυσδαιμόνα διακόπτεται από ένα δελεαστικό τηλεφώνημα. Καθώς το τηλεφώνημα ρίχνει δηλητήριο στο μυαλό του Οθέλλου, εκείνος μεταμορφώνεται σε διαφορετική οντότητα με βλαβερές συνέπειες για τη Δυσδαιμόνα.
Director: Shaun Clark
Producer: Sue Loughlin
Storyboard- artistic Direction - animation: Shaun Clark
Music: Alex Harwood
Editing: Michael Ho
Graphics: Shaun Clark
Shaun Clark is an award winning Filmmaker based in London. He studied animation at the National Film and Television School in the UK. In 2016 he won the London Short film festival and has also won prizes at Clermont Ferrand. Retrospectives of his work have been screened in South Korea and Corfu. Shaun is a Director at the animation collective Mew Lab
2D computer animation
Σαϊγκόν, Βιετνάμ. Μετά το θάνατο της μητέρας του, ένα μικρό κορίτσι αναγκάζεται να σταματήσει τις σπουδές του για να αναλάβει την οικογενειακή καφετέρια. Αντιμετωπίζοντας ραγδαίες αλλαγές στη ζωή της, μοναξιά και θλίψη, σταδιακά νιώθει μπερδεμένη...
Directors: Stephanie Lansaque and François Leroy
Producer: Marc Jousset
Storyboard-animation-editing: Stephanie Lansaque and François Leroy
Music: Denis Vautrin
Directors: Stephanie Lansaque and Francois Leroy Birth: Stephanie Lansaque: 1978/09/04 in Marseille, France, François Leroy: 1978/05/21 in Caen, France. Biography: Francois Leroy studied animation and Stephanie Lansaque has worked as an art director for magazine and edition. In 2002, they traveled to Asia for the first time. They loved the atmosphere so much that they decided to make their film "Goodbye Mister Chu" which talks about Vietnamese traditions and the lost soul's festival. In 2009, they released "Mei Ling" which takes place in Hong Kong. "Red River, Song Hong", produced in 2012, talks about Vietnam on a more social angle. "Cafe Froid" is their fourth short film. Between two personal projects, they use to work as technicians and directors for the company "Je Suis Bien Content" on TV series, video clip, feature films...
Ένα animation με στοιχεία ντοκιμαντέρ για ένα όνειρο που τελικά βγαίνει αληθινό σε ταινία. Ένα δεκάχρονο κορίτσι λαχταρά ένα σκυλάκι για δώρο γενεθλίων. Η απογοήτευσή της είναι πολύ μεγάλη όταν αντί για σκυλάκι αποκτά πατέρα για τον οποίο δεν είχε ιδέα ότι ήταν ακόμη ζωντανός. Η ταινία μιλά για την ιστορία ενός μακρόχρονου ονείρου που τον κράτησε ζωντανό για πολλά χρόνια και κάποια στιγμή θα βγει αληθινό μέσα από αυτήν την ταινία.
Director: Ülo Pikkov
Producers: Kerdi Oengo, Andrus Raudsalu
Storyboard: Ülo Pikkov
Animation: Marili Sokk
Music: Pärt Uusberg
Editing: Ülo Pikkov
DATE OF BIRTH June, 15, 1976 EDUCATION PhD studies at Estonian Academy of Arts, (started 2011, ongoing) Graduated from the Institute of Law, University of Tartu in 2005. Graduated from the Turku School of Art and Media (Finland) in 1998. Graduated from the Tallinn Secondary School No. 49 in 1994. DIRECTED FILMS 2016 EMPTY SPACE 10´ / stop motion 2015 TIK TAK ( 9') mixed / stop motion 2013 ADA + OTTO ( 20'34'' ) / cartoon animation 2013 THE MARRIAGE OF THE CROW (21' / cartoon animation ) 2012 THE END (6' / experimental film ) 2011 BODY MEMORY (10' / stop-motion animation film) 2008 DIALOGOS (5' / cartoon animation) 2008 PORTRAIT (8' / experimental film) 2008 BLOW (8' / experimental film) 2007 TABLEMAT OF BALTIC SEA (2' / animated poem from a film BLACK CEILING) 2006 TASTE OF LIFE (11'40'' / cartoon animation) 2003-2005 FRANK AND WENDY (animated series & feature co-directed by P. Pärn, P. Tender, K. Jancis / 7 x 9,5' / 75') 2003 THE YEAR OF THE MONKEY (11'51'' / cartoon animation) 2001 SUPERLOVE (52'' / cartoon animation) 2001 THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN (11'07'' / cartoon animation) 1998 BERMUDA (10'54'' / cartoon animation) 1996 RUMBA (3'30" / cartoon animation) 1996 CAPPUCCINO (4'30'' / cartoon animation)
2D computer animation, Σχεδίαση στο χαρτί
Μια δύσκολη στιγμή μεσ' τη γλυκύτητα του καλοκαιριού της εξοχής. Καθώς ασχολείται με τον κήπο, ένας νεαρός άνδρας βλέπει τη μητέρα του σαν γυναίκα για πρώτη φορά.
Director: Josselin Facon
Producer: Emmanuel-Alain Raynal
Storyboard: Josselin Facon & Marine Chaplais
Animation: Josselin Facon & Félix Kerjean
Music: Aram Khachaturian
Editing: Josselin Facon
Gratuated from l'École des Métiers du Cinéma d'Animation, Josselin is working as an animation graphist for Miyu Productions. « High Summer » is his first produced film.
2D computer animation
Ο Μφάλμε, ένα μικρό αγόρι του δάσους απάγεται και μεταφέρεται στο παράξενο παλάτι του Άιρεγκιν, ισχυριζόμενοι ότι είναι ο γιος εξ αίματος του αποθανόντος βασιλιά Ομπανκόσι και ο εκλεγμένος διάδοχος του θρόνου. Κι όχι μόνο αυτό, του αναθέτουν κάτι να φέρει εις πέρας υποχρεωτικά, πριν καν δεχτεί ή απορρίψει την προσφορά τους. Έτσι, συνοδεύεται από το μικρό αγόρι του παλατιού με το οποίο πιάνει φιλία και αναγκάζεται να κάνει ένα ταξίδι που δεν είχε φανταστεί ούτε στο ελάχιστο.
Director: Ebele Okoye
Producer: Ebele Okoye
Storyboard-animation-editing: Ebele Okoye
Music: Oliver Sadie / Deane Ogden
Ebele Okoye holds a Higher National Diploma in Graphic Design/Illustration** from the IMT Enugu, Nigeria. She migrated to Germany in the year 2000. After a post graduate programme at the University of Cologne, a design-study stint at the University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf, and a traineeship at the West German Broadcasting Corporation, WDR, Ebele Okoye furthered in Animation at the International Film School (ifs) Cologne Upon graduation in 2004, she worked as a studio animator before going independent with own films as well heading international Co-productions, one of which is Kurt Schwitters “Anna Blume”, winner of the 2007 Robert Bosch Foundation Promotional Prize for Animation as well as the Ritter Prize at the 2010 Zebra Poetry Film Festival Berlin amongst others. Fascinated by the abstract connection between spoken words and moving images, uncommon thoughts on common things, most of her animation works are based on poetry. Her visual translation of Poetry into animation involves the works of other German authors like Simone Kanter, Ulrike Almut Sandig and Björn Kuhligk
A two-time winner of the Africa Movie Academy Awards in Animation, as well as the Focus Features Africa First Short Film programme, Ebele Okoye is the founder and co-ordinator of Shrinkfish Media Lab (smedLAB), an audiovisual training initiative focusing on exchange of knowledge between European professionals and young artistic talents in the West African region. She resides in Berlin since 2008 where she is also fully active as a Web designer, Media and branding expert, while painting occasionally still. Some of her works can be seen at her website.