Since its beginning (April 2011), the festival aimed towards the production and diffusion of contemporary cultural product and the new tendencies in artistic, independent animation. Many acclaimed and awarded guests have since visited the festival, which hosted more than 180 films in its edition, a number of retrospectives, tributes, workshops, festival collabrations, and international network participations. Corfu itself was mirrored via Be there! Corfu Animation Festival, whereas the festival itself received twice (2015-16 and 2017-18) the EFFE distinction for being one of the best cultural festivals in Europe.
Be there! Corfu Animation Festival has always aimed (since its very inception) and actively tried for a systematic collaboration with the institutional, local and regional authorities, whose synergy is crucial and indispensable in any international film festival of such magnitude. Since a positive response has not so far been forthcoming, the festival (to a greater part self-funded) will suspend its next edtion. Any other attempt at organizing such an international event under the circumstances would lead to a substandard effort, both artistically and in terms of organization, which would in turn undermine the consistent positive image the festival has achieved both in Greece and internationally.
Be there! Corfu Animation Festival would like to thank sincerely all partners, sponsors, supporters, media sponsors, collaborators, organizing team members and volunteeres for their impeccable collaboration. It also announces that due to the reasons detailed above it will neither be able to participate in other promotional events or actions.
The organizing team